przekładnia stożkowo walcowa


Helical bevel gears

Dual System’s helical-bevel gear units are available in 11 sizes. Every size has three reduction levels. When combined with DR series unit, we gain possibility to add further reduction stages and thus achieve an extremely high gear set. DK series gears are characterized by extremely quiet operation and efficiency up to 95%.

  • High maximum torque
  • Very low noise operation
  • High durability
  • Long service life
  • High mechanical efficiency

Technical parameters:

  • Output speed n2 from 1,10 to 270 RPM
  • Torque to 50000Nm
  • Motor power P1: 0,12­200kW
przekładnie walcowo stożkowe

Technical parameters:
  • Output speed n2 from 1,10 to 270 RPM
  • Torque to 50000Nm
  • Motor power P1: 0,12­200kW
przekładnie walcowo stożkowe

installation options

przekładnia walcowo stożkowa


Helical-bevel gear unit with output shaft and foot mounting.

przekładnia zębata stożkowa


Helical-bevel gear unit with hollow output shaft and foot mounting.

przekładnie zębate stożkowe


Helical-bevel gear unit with hollow shaft.

przekładnia stożkowa


Helical-bevel gear unit with B5 output flange and output shaft

reduktory mechaniczne


Helical-bevel gear unit with B5 output flange and hollow shaft.

przekładnia wolnoobrotowa


Helical-bevel gear unit with B14 output shaft and hollow shaft.

przekładnie mechaniczne


Helical-bevel gear unit with torque arm and hollow shaft.




    about this product

    Our specialists will provide you with full support in the selection of gear unit and the electric motors, as well as answer all your questions regarding our offer.


    about this product

    Our specialists will provide you with full support in the selection of gear unit and the electric motors, as well as answer all your questions regarding our offer.